Patrick Berghman
Patrick Berghman
In the 1980s, Patrick Berghman took over the family business at Puntimoso from his father Pierre.
Citrus fruits and other fruits (kiwis) became his passion. He is totally committed to the organic sector in Corsica.
Patrick Berghman is a pioneer, an experimenter and a unifier.
Pioneer, because Patrick B. was one of the very first to convert to organic farming.
While today this conversion is classic, at the very beginning of the 90s it was very new and particularly pioneering.
Everything had to be created, both in terms of growing techniques and in terms of what was said to buyers and end consumers.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has now become a subject in its own right. Even 30 years ago Patrick was part of this respectful logic.
Expérimentateur, Patrick est un homme de terrain. La qualité globale est au centre de ses préoccupations et de ses priorités.
The AB specifications contain numerous requirements. Defence strategies against pests are limited. Direct plant nutrition must therefore be adapted.
It's by doing (and doing again) that we can assess, adjust and readjust. Les années d’expériences de Patrick en font un expert reconnu en matière d’agrumiculture et de culture biologique.
Fédérateur, Because driven by his convictions, Patrick became involved with InterBio Corse at a very early stage. In fact, he was its president. Today, still very committed, he is vice-president of this interprofessional association. He is a fervent and optimistic advocate of the agricultural vision of the future.
He is also a member of Terre d'Agrumes, a producer organisation. And he invests in Femù Bio, une exclusively organic packaging structure.
Forging links around shared projects and driving initiatives are an integral part of its DNA.
Puntimoso, a terroir, a passion
Puntimoso en Corse, un coin de paradis, situé dans la plaine orientale de l’Île. Les vergers couvrent les collines, une invitation permanente à l’évasion. L’exposition, côte Est de la Corse, offre le meilleur climat possible à nos vergers. Associé à un terroir particulièrement approprié et aux savoir-faire développés depuis des décennies, la qualité de nos fruits est le résultat d’une harmonie entre la Nature et l’intervention de l’Homme.
33 hectares of organic citrus and fruit trees
14 hectares
6,5 hectares
1,75 hectares
2,5 hectares
0,85 hectares
0,5 hectares
0,5 hectares
0,5 hectares
bigarades, feijoas …
6 hectares
18% à venir
A family history
There is no Corsican history without a family history.
Pierre Berghman
In the Berghman family, it was Pierre the grandfather, known as Babu Petrù, who moved to Corsica in 1962.
Patrick Berghman
Patrick Bergman is a man of the world. He was born in the Congo, has Belgian origins and wore out his trousers on the school benches in Bastia and then in agricultural colleges on "the continent". His first farming experiences were in the Congo: harvest work, blacksmithing and coffee growing. When Pierre retired, Patrick took over the family farm in Puntimoso. He soon opted for organic farming.
Serge Berghman
Serge, who has a wealth of experience in sales, now supports Patrick. A valuable market and marketing approach.
Pour Patrick, overall quality is first and foremost the result of a restored balance.
Strong commitments
After agricultural structuring, commercial structuring.
By being part of a 100% organic packaging platform
We cultivate our singularity, farmer-traders, Bio is our identity.